Saturday, March 28, 2020

Definition Chemistry - Molecule Molarity

Definition Chemistry - Molecule MolarityMolecule molarity is one of the key methods used to define chemical properties. Molecules are masses of atoms that contain chemical properties. Each molecule has four atoms and has a certain number of covalent bonds between the atoms. These bonds are composed of one type of atom, with another type of atom added in place of the bonding between the atoms.Each bond holds one specific bond. If there is a molar excess of one type of atom, then that bond will be broken in order to create a more specific bond. For example, if you wanted to make an alloy of iron and nickel, then you would add two different types of atoms to make a molar system.Molecule molarity also helps you determine the solubility of a compound. Molecule polarity indicates the maximum solubility of a compound in water and the minimum solubility in water.Molecule molarity can be expressed as M/N and is calculated by adding the molecular weight of the compound and the molecular weight of the ion being dissolved. Molecule molarity is one of the primary key properties of chemistry to use when defining chemical properties.Molecular definition is another way to define chemistry. Molecules are defined by their size and the number of atoms in them. The number of atoms in a molecule is equivalent to the number of protons in the atom. Molecules of different sizes can have very different chemical properties.There are many types of molecules, and each has its own characteristic shape and size. Molecules have similar shapes, sizes, and chemical properties, but they are also classified based on size. Different materials will have different sizes of molecules in them, and it will be this difference which gives them their properties.Molecule molarity is one of the most important keys to understanding chemistry, and it is used in many ways to define chemical properties. Chemists will often use this equation to calculate the solubility of a compound, and they will also use it t o determine the concentration of a compound in a solution.

Friday, March 6, 2020

AP US History Decoding the Textbook - TutorNerds

AP US History Decoding the Textbook - TutorNerds Tips From an Irvine AP Tutor: AP US History: Decoding the Textbook Students preparing for their AP US History class in the fall will find a very thick and in-depth textbook at their desk. Although US History only covers events from the period leading up to the Revolutionary War to current, the course is much more intricate than AP World History or AP European History courses. Students will learn about pivotal battles, important dates, and social change throughout the history of the United States. Reading through the text book can seem overwhelming at first, however, if students know how to utilize the study different elements within the book they will have an easier time during the summer and throughout the year. When broken into smaller parts, AP US History can be very manageable, and students will have a better chance at success if they can decode their textbook before the first day of class. 1. The glossary One of the first things students should look at is the glossary at the back of their text book. Students using an online version of their textbook will find it at the bottom of their chapter list. The glossary is a list of all important or unfamiliar terms used throughout the text. If students know how to use the glossary, they will save tons of time because they wont have to search through endless pages looking for a vocab word from the previous week. Additionally, students should be aware that each and every word found within a glossary has been highlighted as important for a reason. These words often appear on quizzes and exams and are used in class discussion (READ: Last Minute AP Study Guide). 2. Timelines throughout the book Most US History textbooks have timelines that appear throughout the book. This is an important element of learning and an opportunity for students to learn about cause and effect as well as historical consequences. For instance, perhaps a small conflict leads to a much larger battle or war; maybe changes in politics lead to economic change. Its essential for students to be able to learn what happened first, second, and third and understand the importance of linear elements in general. Whenever a student comes across a timeline in their book, they should make note of it and record the page so they can refer to it easily in the weeks to come. 3. Chapter introductions Nearly every student will pass over the chapter introduction; however they can be extremely useful. The chapter introduction will let students know what the chapter covers, as well as what it does not, and covers some learning objectives. If students take a couple of minutes to look at their chapter introduction before reading, they’ll know exactly what is going to be introduced, and this will give them a lot of clues about what will be covered in class as well as in at-home assignments. Upon completing the chapter, students are encouraged to look back at the learning objectives and see if they meet some or all of them. If they dont, they should consult their teacher or a tutor (READ: 5 Reasons to Get an In-Home Tutor this Summer). 4. Key players There are several key players who appeared throughout US history. Whether a President, General, or a social activist there are several figures students simply need to know about. It can be overwhelming to learn about these important historical figures while also trying to learn about dates, foreign affairs, and economic development. If students sit down over the summer and learn about these important people, they will have an easier time once school starts in the fall. 5. Cause and effect Learning how to decipher cause and effect is one of the most important skills AP US History students can develop. One thing happens because another thing happened first and people react to their environment. If students are not yet familiar with the complex issues found in cause and effect they should make this their primary focus for the remainder of their summer study. US History students should always be asking themselves “why” and “who.” Why did this person react in this way? Why didnt they do something else? Who influenced change and who advocated for things to stay the same? If students can understand cause and effect as a concept, they are much more likely to be successful in their course overall. Score high on your AP US History test with the help of an Irvine AP tutor from TutorNerds. Call us today for more information. All blog entries, with the exception of guest bloggers, are written by Tutor Nerds. Are you an education professional? If so, email us at for guest blogging and collaborations. We want to make this the best free education resource in SoCal, so feel free to suggest what you would like to see us write.

Effective Approach for tutoring math by Erwin Salinas

Effective Approach for tutoring math by Erwin Salinas Mathematics uses building blocks, meaning it requires mastery of the fundamentals before moving on to advanced concepts thus requiring a certain approach different from History or English. My approach is designed to accommodate different types of learners. I call it the 'concept-details-confirm' approach.Here are two examples of how I used 'concept-details-confirm' approach when tutoring Mathematics in Elementary Math and Calculus I, respectively:Tutoring Elementary Math:One of the most challenging concepts in Elementary math is multiplication. To do multiplication, the student should have mastered addition first. The approach I am going to take when a student is having trouble with multiplication is make them understand the concept first, then show them step-by-step how to multiply. 1.) CONCEPTUnderstanding the concept is important, a student can learn how to multiply using certain techniques, but if they do not know why they are doing it then they will eventually forget after the t est.To make students understand the concept, I will use objects like marbles as visual representation. For example, to represent 3x5 with marbles, I would have 3 SETS OF 5 MARBLES, and I would make the student count it. The total number of marbles from all sets is the answer, which is 15. Then I would have the student represent 4x6 in marbles to get the total number. Once the student understand this concept, he/she can move on to memorizing the multiplication table.2.) DETAILSAfter memorizing the multiplication table, I would now show the student step-by-step how to do one-step multiplication and two-steps or more multiplication. Two-steps multiplication requires mastery of addition.3.) CONFIRMAs I give the student math problems, I would oversee how they do the problems step-by-step, if the student is prone to making mistake in the addition part of two-steps multiplication, then that means the student has not mastered addition, and I would go back and make sure the student masters a ddition using the 'concept-details-confirm' approach. Once the student mastered addition, I would have them correct the mistake they made in two-steps equation. With practice, the student will master two-steps multiplication.Tutoring Calculus I:One of the most challenging concepts in Calculus I is Derivatives. There are many different derivative techniques such as Limit Definition, Product Rule, Quotient Rule, Chain Rule, Impartial differentiation. etc. Before a student can learn these derivative techniques, it is imperative that they have mastered Algebra I, Algebra II, Geometry, and Pre-Calculus, and understand the derivative concept first. Otherwise, if they do not have the prerequisites math mastered, they will be prone to making small mistakes even if they understand the concept really well. If they do not understand the concept, even if they execute the derivative techniques well, they will most likely forget the material after the exam, which will be detrimental when they tak e Calculus II and higher level math.1.) CONCEPTTo make students understand the derivative concept, I will use concrete world examples. I would use a story and a visual, these would ensure to accommodate all types of learners.To represent the concept of derivative in a story, I would use a car going from home to school. As the driver steps on the gas to go to school, the vehicle accelerates, the rate of which the car velocity is increasing is the derivative. When the driver is reaching a red light, the driver will step on the break decelerating the car, the rate of which the car velocity decreases to stop is also the derivative.To represent the concept of derivative in a visual, I would use two graphs of of the car acceleration, and the car speed. In the acceleration graph, I would have x-coordinate as time and y-coordinate as acceleration. In the velocity graph, I would have x-coordinate as time and y-coordinate as speed. The two graphs is a representation of one car. If the car is accelerating in a constant acceleration say 3 m/s^2, then the velocity of the car is increasing by 3 EACH SECOND.So in this case, the layman's definition of derivative is the rate of how fast and slow is something changing.2.) DETAILSOnce the concept is understood, I would teach the mathematical definition of derivative and theorem of the particular derivative technique they need help, and show step-by-step how to do problems using the particular derivative technique.3.) CONFIRMCalculus problems are not easy to make up, so I would assign 3 total problems from their book (if they have one) and my Calculus I book which I still have, and oversee how they are solving the problems step-by-step. If they got the incorrect answer, I would oversee and analyze their steps. There are two possible causes of wrong answer in Calculus I: Not following the calculus steps properly and/or algebra mistake. If it calculus steps, I would have them correct the steps they got wrong. If it's algebra mistak e, I would analyze what part of algebra they are prone to making mistakes and review that concept of algebra with them using 'concept-details-confirm' approach. Once the student mastered that algebra concept, I would have them correct that algebra mistake they made for their assigned Calculus I problems.Conclusion:Whether it's Elementary Math or Calculus I, Ultimately, I would make sure my clients are one-step ahead of their math class by teaching the future materials in their classes using this approach before my clients learns the material in their classes.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Why we need stronger Sciences

Why we need stronger Sciences To put it bluntly, Britain needs a strong high tech sector, and needs it fast. We're a nation with a dangerously nebulous economic foundation. Gone are the days of Big Industry in this country, of coal mines and steel foundries. Our GDP is now built on the sand of the City - so fickle and shifting - and the Consumer Culture we're all part of. Across the pond, the story is different. The US dominates the world's tech market, closely followed by Japan and Korea. Its pharma sector (not the most ethical of industries, true) is a behemoth of world medicine production. It has the strongest genetics research (and the money to fund it), and its entrepreneurs are taking privatized space exploration and mining as a serious proposition. Britain does have its tech stars - Dyson, and the weapons manufacturers BAE Systems - but they are few and far between. While we had something of a digital Renaissance in the 70s and 80s, our latest computational forays have been quieter (an exception being made for the Raspberry Pi, which is important in a very different way). But, as a country, we have a wonderful technological and scientific tradition - perhaps the strongest in the world: Charles Darwin, Crick and Watson, Alan Turing, Alexander Fleming, them and more. As a country we were responsible for a breathtaking array of breakthroughs. Yet, while interest in hard sciences and Maths has risen slightly over the past few years (at A level), it's a long way from becoming the strong sector we need it to be. The answer, as with many world issues, lies in education. We need to enliven our kids to the spirit of science, get them captivated by it, and most importantly, invest in it as a subject and in them as individuals. Good progress has been made by Brian Cox and co., but the education system is still lacking the drive, structure and funds to follow that motivation through. Education is the ultimate investment. A strong science and tech industry starts with strong science and Maths education. If we want to reclaim our position at the forefront of discovery, build a firm economic foundation and jostle with the US, India and China in the Final Frontier, we're going to have to invest in scientific education. In short, if we're going to keep our position as a world player, we're going to need more than just a nation of fund managers, business analysts and credit controllers. Check out our Article on the Top 5 Home Science experiments to spark your kids' imagination!

Socially Inept Networking

Socially Inept Networking Some time ago my boss wanted me to get involved in Social-Networking sites. He said this is where the marketing of the present and the future is taking place. I prefer the telephone myself. Oh oh, one more time where I have to enter a world I’m not familiar with. School was the other world I was not familiar with. I do know how to use a computer to do many things, but putting my life up on an internet billboard is not one I was ever moved to do. Does this mean I’m going to have to join MyFace or SpaceBook? Hey, who I am, what I like, and where I’m going is none of your business. Or is it? People seem to want to tell everyone else what they like these days. I understand that young people spend more time online than off it. In fact more and more people seem to have more friends they’ve never met than ones they have, including me now! I wonder… When people get addicted to the internet, do the support groups hold online meetings? Being an older person I thought I should do my homework first (Wikipedia). There are well over 300 sites listed as “notable” social networking sites. Those are the popular ones. On the other hand only 14 sites are listed as defunct. Those are awfully good odds. Sounds like a good business to be in. According to eBizMBA as of February the top Social-Networking sites are Facebook with over ¾ million users, number two is Twitter at over ¼ million, and in third place is LinkedIn counting over 100,000 members. Interestingly Pinterest has moved up a couple places to the fourth most popular site just behind Linkedin. What I find interesting about that is Pinterest is mostly a site of images or at least appears that way to me. One site I really enjoy is Pearltree. In Peartree you place any kind of information you want, logs, blogs, or images, you name it, everything gets placed in little pearls that when created remind me of a binary tree in computer science or nodes in graph theory in higher mathematics. And in Perltrees people can join together and create their own community of stuff. Anyway, if you haven’t figured it out yet, I know nothing about Social Networking. But hey, I’m learning! Now mind your own business. Oh wait a minute…… did I just post this on MyFace?

Cosmetic Chemistry Degree: What You Need To Know

Cosmetic Chemistry Degree: What You Need To KnowBecoming a cosmetic chemist has always been an important career choice for individuals who want to work in the field of cosmetic science. That is because this field deals with the process of making cosmetic products, cosmetics, and others. If you are considering getting a career in this field, the following is what you need to know.While there are numerous career choices when it comes to your cosmetic chemistry degree, you can also pursue other professional degrees. In fact, a degree in cosmetics is a more popular choice among college students. You can also choose a career that is related to cosmetic and/or healthcare. Some employers may offer a financial aid program to individuals that are willing to go into healthcare related careers.Cosmetic companies are those which make cosmetics and supplies for different industries. These businesses make their products from many ingredients. So when an individual enters this profession, he or she must be adept in the area of cosmetic chemistry. That is because the jobs in this field need knowledge of the composition of different cosmetic products, as well as the chemical reactions that take place.You can also look into nursing as a means of getting a cosmetic chemistry degree. This career option will allow you to work in hospitals and medical facilities where you will learn to mix solutions of different components for cosmetic purposes. You can also go into the beauty care industry. In this field, you will be responsible for determining the composition of different ingredients for cosmetic products.Of course, the career of a cosmetic chemist is not for everyone. It requires a lot of practical experience and knowledge. If you are still in high school, you can still pursue a certificate program. This is because most college courses offer a certificate program as an alternative to a bachelor's degree.Another option is to focus on your technical skills. You will be working on a variety of processes and formulas that involve the use of chemicals and process automation. However, you will still have to follow laboratory safety procedures and adhere to manufacturing regulations. You can even become a consultant for companies that deal with cosmetics.As you can see, a cosmetic chemistry degree is a very important step in the field of this industry. So if you think you are prepared for a career in this field, consider getting a degree from an accredited institution that has a strong reputation.

Organizational Chemistry Tutors - Want to Learn How to Use Microsoft Excel?

Organizational Chemistry Tutors - Want to Learn How to Use Microsoft Excel?The right Microsoft Excel Organizational Chemistry tutor will help you turn your Excel knowledge into a real professional career. Your future job as an organizational chemist is made even more exciting by the knowledge of new discoveries and new chemistry techniques. Your future employer will appreciate that you have gotten a good education.Chemistry educators need to know how to effectively and competently demonstrate and explain the chemical properties of a substance and how they can be used in the analysis of a problem. The ability to identify the problem from a particular compound is an important trait. Unfortunately, many educators simply rely on their old textbooks to teach Chemistry. The new and advanced features of Excel allow educators to give their students hands-on experience with these powerful tools and learn how to use them.An online chemistry course will help you understand and use Excel feature s to help you create, explore, summarize, and compare a variety of different compounds. Before you begin to learn, you need to find an organization or a professional who can help you with this project.A Microsoft Excel Organizational Chemistry Tutor can make your day. They will quickly show you how to handle complex Excel reports and templates and help you keep track of your data so you can always see the most current information you have.A tutor will help you put together a structure and procedure to prevent you from having to make changes to many different cells and tables that are open at once, while excluding Outlook tabs. Plus, the right Excel Organizational Chemistry Tutor will assist you in understanding why your work is taking so long to get done.As you work through your organization chemistry tutor, he or she will discuss the three most important factors that will help you succeed in the field. The right Organizational Chemistry Toolkit will help you learn how to follow the correct procedures and prepare the reports for your presentations.You will learn how to analyze a compound and how to present it to your students and colleagues. You will also learn how to make comparisons and find the exact sample of a compound in the context of all known compounds. You will learn how to present this information in an organized and understandable fashion that will show your students why your organization is successful.

How Long Will It Take to Learn French

How Long Will It Take to Learn French Take French Language Courses: What is the Optimal Time for Learning French? ChaptersThe Number of Hours Necessary to Learn FrenchWhat Are the Components in Learning FrenchLiving in France to Become a FrancophoneWhether you’re studying French as a foreign language through free lessons in your community, partaking in language services online, or practice your French with other anglophones â€" you’ve probably asked yourself the same question: how long does it take for an English speaker to master French?Whether you’re in Ontario, Los Angeles or London â€" learning world languages has become an even better, more efficient process, even by just translating English to French online.According to the Francophone Observatory, the French language is now spoken by 421 million people. To put that into perspective, Spanish has 451 million speakers and Arabic has 402 million. A fun fact that might not come through in your French class is that the number of Francophones is forecasted to surpass Hispanophones around 2022.Whether you’re interested in learning more ab out the influence of vulgar Latin, are striving for and intermediate French level, or simply want to get a Job in France â€" understanding French is a powerful tool!For language learning to be effective, you must practice every day AnnieFrench Teacher 4.89 (9) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors CarolineFrench Teacher 5.00 (13) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors LowriFrench Teacher 5.00 (9) £90/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MarianneFrench Teacher 5.00 (8) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ThibautFrench Teacher 5.00 (3) £19/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors AnnickFrench Teacher 5.00 (6) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors DéborahFrench Teacher 5.00 (10) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors SamyFrench Teacher 5.00 (2) £100/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsThe Number of Hours Necessary to Learn FrenchWhether you’ve tried going to language schools, are currently taken a French for beginners course or are part of a Facebook group for French learners â€" it is impossible to know how many hours it will take for you to become fluent in French.However, as French teachers or any polyglot will tell you, French a global language that is one of the easiest to learn. According to a study by the American Foreign Service Institute, or FSI, the Romance language is one of the easiest living languages in the world to learn.As with all language programs around the world, the levels of French language have been set out in a framework created by the European Union known as the CEFRL for European languages. These levels aren’t just for English speakers, but for everyone trying to gauge their knowledge of French. There are six levels ranging from the basic, A1, to the level of complete fluency, C2.The B2 level, an intermediate step that means you are able to listen to French audio and express yourself easily in both written and oral terms, is the one normally required for entry into public un iversities for a language study or maths and sciences. Oral expression is particularly important in French universities, meaning you will have to work on perfecting your accent.The FSI study has grouped some popular living languages into different groups corresponding to the amount of time it will take to reach an advanced level of knowledge.Group 1, 24 to 30 weeks of learning: French, Danish, Dutch, Italian, Norwegian, Portuguese, Romanian, Spanish, SwedishGroup 2, 36 weeks of courses: German, Indonesian, MalaysianGroup 3, 44 weeks: Armenian, Czech, Farsi, Finnish, Greek, Hebrew, Hindi, RussianGroup 4, 88 weeks: Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, KoreanAccording to this guide, you might be able to get by in French by trying out some coffee break French podcasts or by listening to some modern French radio channels â€" something that would be near impossible to do with a language like Mandarin Chinese.However, looking at the study, if you’re interested in learning more than just basic gram mar rules or French verb and syntax rules, you’ll need to put in more than 480 hours. Using a coffee break or podcast method should, theoretically, be enough to get you to a level A1 or even A2.If you’d like to reach a more advanced level, however, you might want to consider taking a French lesson either online or with a language institute. According to the study, the FSI recommends spending 600 to 750 hours over 24 to 30 weeks in order to reach a B2 or C1 level in French.This is pretty significant, considering that as a foreigner, you will be able to reach high degrees of autonomy in a language in as little as 6 months!In conclusion, to reach an intermediate level, you will need to study 10 hours a day for 48 days â€" which is the some actually many choose.However, many of us don’t actually have that sort of time to set aside for language â€" unless you’re Canadian French and probably spend most of your day practicing anyways. Here are some tips on what to expect on your jo urney towards becoming fluent.Discover the best French classes London here.One way to get free lessons in French is to simply move to a Francophone cityWhat Are the Components in Learning FrenchWhether you’re studying through a language exchange, French classes or simply by memorizing your phrasebook â€" it’s clear that the amount of time you spend learning is one of the most important factors in language acquisition.There are, however, several other components you’ll have to take into account when studying both French or any of the other Romance languages. Not mentioned below, but can be found with this guide, is a price comparison between the different types of courses you're likely to encounter.What is the Right Methodology?The methodology under which you learn French will vary significantly from the type of learning you’re engaging in â€" be it through Duolingo or through live, conversational French practice with French people.For most people, taking French courses at a university or through private lessons with a native French speaker will result in a much quicker understanding of the language than through self-teaching methods.From walking you through the basics of the French alphabet to understanding the complex rules of French verbs, following a French course has many benefits â€" the most important one being regularity. A French language school or tutor won’t just guide you to your desired level of French, be it beginner French or bilingualism, but it will also help you appreciate French culture and history.The Framework of Studies in FrenchAs with studying any of the many unofficial and official languages around the world, practising French daily is an imperative step towards mastering the linguistics of the language.In order to do this, it will be important to define your goals from the beginning. Whether your goal be in the form of a French internship to living and working in the country, chances are you’ll probably have to take a stand ard French exam.The acronyms for these tests are the DELF, DALF and the TCF, all of which do not have the same levels. In order to prepare for these, the ideal framework would be to study under an intensive program.If you’re looking for free French language resources, there are plenty of French online options: Campus France, Le Point du FLE, Bonjour de France, and the Alliance Franciase. Fortunately, you don’t have to be a master at French to be able to access these sites.MemorizationLearning French, as with all languages, will involve some memorization skills. The recommended way to learn French vocabulary is to divvy up the words you want to learn by what they deal with. For example, for vocabulary words concerning the hospitality sector, you will have to learn specific vocab like the words for hotel, restaurant, bar service, building, tourism, etc.Learning vocabulary doesn’t just deal with memorization, but also the frequency with which you learn these words â€" a lesson al ong the lines of the phrase “use it or lose it.”A study by Harry P. Bahrick concluded that without practicing, people who had studied a language forgot about 60% of their vocabulary in the 3 years after they stopped actively learning it.French people are some of the best language teachers!Living in France to Become a FrancophoneWhile a French course might teach you about French pronunciation or French conversation, there is no language course that can teach you â€" whether it be online French or through a private French teacher â€" better than your own ears.In the mid-1960s, linguist and neurologist Eric Lenneberg developed an important theory on language which stated that acquiring an native accent in a language after puberty is impossible if someone has only been surrounded exclusively in their maternal language their whole lives.More generally, this is known as synaptic pruning â€" a process in which your brain gets rid of informational ties it has not used until then.While t his might seem like a dreary picture for those looking to acquire perfect French as an adult, a French immersion program might be in your best interest. While learning a new language is always stressful and language courses can sometimes conflict with even the most flexible of schedules - becoming a native speaker through intensive French lessons is highly effective.While acquiring your second language can be accomplished through beginners and intermediate level courses, where your language skills will be refined by learning about French language and culture - you can also consider moving to France. Whether it be through an student, internship or another professional opportunity - you will learn new words and phrases daily just as a product of living there.If you'd like to learn French while living somewhere that you can still speak your native language, there are many options to start learning French in the UK. From tutors on our website to UK universities - your journey to master French doesn't have to start tomorrow.

How To Improve Your Chinese Fast

How To Improve Your Chinese Fast Tips Tricks for your Chinese Lessons ChaptersRe-read the Previous Lessons Carefully Before Your Next Chinese LessonSumming Up Your Chinese Lessons and Making FlashcardsImmerse Yourself in the Chinese Language Just Before Your LessonTrain on Your Favourite Chinese Learning App“There is no single way of learning something.”This maxim, spoken by Greek philosopher Aristotle (384-322 BC), well illustrates the fact that any learning methodology needs to be not only efficient, but tailored to each individual student as well in order to better learn and assimilate.For example, when learning Chinese, some students find it more difficult than others to memorise, pronounce and reproduce the tones of the Chinese language, while others have difficulty remembering the Chinese characters, or understanding written Chinese.Our memnonic capabilities are not created equal. Some people have a more oral memory, others a more visual one - in other words, some retain anything they hear spoken while others remember better if they read some thing, as if their eye were taking a mental photograph. Still others need two or three times as long to memorise Chinese characters, for example.Taking Chinese language courses doesn’t just mean showing up at your Mandarin lesson: it’s a long and hard road that requires motivation, discipline and diligence. It requires a daily dose of independent work. Here on Superprof we have worked out four tips to help you arrive at your Chinese class perfectly prepared - a necessary step in the process of learning Mandarin Chinese.Also read these tips for the best ways to learn Mandarin... NingChinese Teacher 5.00 (10) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors LorraineChinese Teacher £10/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors YuweiChinese Teacher 4.33 (6) £19/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors JoyceChinese Teacher £15/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors NicoleChinese Teacher £60/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors KatyChinese Teacher £16/h1st lesson free!Discove r all our tutors YangChinese Teacher £18/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ChengChinese Teacher £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsRe-read the Previous Lessons Carefully Before Your Next Chinese LessonIt bears repeating: learning Chinese is not easy.This millenia old language goes back to the dawn of history and even the most educated of Chinese - academics and other men and women of letters - don’t know all of the Chinese characters by heart.As you can see, any beginner Chinese student has a long, steep road ahead of them!However, notwithstanding the prospect of rapid progression, getting better at the Chinese language is obviously not impossible.In fact you “only” need to know about 400 Chinese characters - about 2/3 of the most frequently used characters - to get along tolerably after three years of Chinese language courses.But how to get there when you are just starting your beginner Mandarin classes?The main thing is to carefully re-read your lessons as you go. Don’t let it slide or you will be overwhelmed or find yourself with gaps in your knowledge.It is all the more important if you are taking beginner Chinese lessons. Remember:Being attentive in class and listening to your teacher is 50% of the workRe-reading your notes and  reviewing regularly with a clear head makes up the remaining 50%“Memory is the best camera there is” - Kevin Spacey.Here are our recommendations to help you prepare your Chinese lessons and memorise them:Make sure the conditions during your lessons are suitable to learning, allowing you to focus your concentration and keep a good postureWhen you are revising your previous lesson, disconnect all your devices: computer, smartphones, tablets…Take a small break every half hour: 5-10 minutes to have a glass of water or air out your mindAvoid time-consuming distractions such as Facebook or televisionWhen re-reading your Chinese lessons, make notes of things you did not understand so you can ask your Manda rin teacher the next time you see them (a specific translation, Pinyin transcription, the order and direction of the lines in Chinese calligraphy, the meaning of certain Chinese symbols…)Re-read your Mandarin lessons and notes every day: the best time is at night, shortly before going to sleep, as we memorise best at night.You still have trouble learning Mandarin despite these good habits?You still need to take the time to sum things up at regular intervals.Summing Up Your Chinese Lessons and Making FlashcardsSummary flashcards are an excellent way to help you memorise your Chinese language lessons - or, indeed, learn French, English or Spanish - more rapidly.Don’t hesitate to put up posters with Chinese characters to help you work on your Mandarin pronunciation and vocabulary.While I was a student at University, I was rarely stressed out when studying for exams because, instead of re-reading dozens and dozens of longhand A4 sheets, I had previously summed up the main points of the lessons in bullet points on little flashcards. This helped nudge the brain into retaining only the important information, to help me understand without learning by heart.Learning Pinyin becomes easier when you use flashcards. Photo credit: via Visualhunt / CC BYYou’re not very organised, even a little lazy?Here are some tips to help you learn Chinese:After each Chinese language class, take up your notes and reformulate them digitally or longhandSum up each part of your Chinese lessons in a few simple bullet points, keeping sentences shortRestructure your class notes so they follow a clear progress: titles, subtitles, bullet pointsColour-code your notes: underline, highlight or circle the essential pointsLook over the key words, definitions, translations of Chinese wordsFigure out mnemonic devices to remember Chinese charactersMake charts and graphs to illustrate points of Chinese grammar or the order of Mandarin charactersMake one flash card per idea: Pinyin transcription, pronouncing the Chinese phonetic alphabet with its 23 initial consonants and 35 final vowels, the tones of Mandarin speech, Chinese grammar rules, the direction of strokes in Chinese calligraphy, Chinese vocabulary by theme…By grouping each lesson into summary flashcards, vocabulary and pronunciation exercises will become easier. For example, you might try repeating these words aloud every day:Learn how to say “hello” in Chinese: « ni hao » (? + ?)Learn how to say “good-bye” in Chinese: « zài jiàn » (? + ?)Review your numbers: ? (two), ? (five)If you can’t contact your Mandarin teacher, get help from the internet.Work daily in smaller chunksWhether you are learning to play the piano or guitar or learning Chinese, there is no point in revising just before your lesson.To assimilate the Chinese language, it’s better to work on it 5 to 10 minute a day than during an intensive, hours-long revision.It can also be helpful to pretend you are in China right now…Why not make use of some of these great Mandarin learning tools, too?Immerse Yourself in the Chinese Language Just Before Your LessonImmerse yourself in the language? Already? But why? Your trip to China isn’t until next year!It’s quite simple: it lets your brain soak up the music of the Chinese language.Since the language of Confucius is a tonal language, its phonemes sound odd to our ears.In order to better understand the aids your teacher will give you in class, it can be helpful to hear Chinese spoken every day by native Mandarin speakers for listening practise.Let’s look at the possibilities:Listen to Chinese, Taiwanese or Singapore newsWatch Chinese movies (if need be, with English subtitles)If you live in a city with a Chinese quarter, go do some of your shopping thereDownload Chinese podcasts suach as this one  or these.Speak Chinese on social networks or with Chinese friends you’ve met on your travels (if you know any)Install a free Chinese lear ning app to listen to one lesson a day and get ahead of your Mandarin course.Watch Chinese films at film festivals in the original language, or else stream them or buy them on dvd or blue ray. Photo credit: digitALWINner via Visualhunt / CC BYWatch Chinese videosIt has been frequently noted that online videos - from YouTube, for example - can help you learn a language easily. Learning Chinese is no different.However, YouTube is not available in China. They use a similar site calledYouku.Of course, a beginner Mandarin student will not understand anything and it is important to know some basics of the Chinese language and understand spoken Chinese to follow the videos.However, even before you understand what they say your brain will learn to identify the tone and sounds of new words better in the future.Find a native speakerOne last tip to soak in the language while learning Chinese at home: find a native Chinese speaker. Hook up with a language partner - a native speaker who will hel p you learn Mandarin while you help them with their English.There are a lot of Chinese students out there who want to better their English. Photo credit: maltzevans via Visual hunt / CC BY-NC-NDMosalingua has created a page with links to various tools that will help you learn to speak Chinese like a native. Among them is Italki, a site that lets you find a language partner or else a native speaker to help you with Chinese lessons.It’s like a Chinese Superprof!The app is very easy to use. The catch? It costs about $15 to $27 per hour to for a teacher who is also a native Mandarin speaker. However, the language partners are is free - a true intercultural training programme, with a free, internation exchange of linguistic competence.A must for preparing your Chinese classes London!Discover how to find the perfect Chinese teacher for your learning needs...Train on Your Favourite Chinese Learning AppAre you looking for a smartphone app that will help you rev ise for your Chinese lessons? Nothing simpler!How better to work on your Chinese vocabulary everywhere you go than to have it on your smartphone?There are more than 500 million Chinese watching videos online, and giving Chinese lessons is a way for them to make some money while learning English, French, Spanish, German or Portuguese.With language apps, there are no walls between native speakers and students of Chinese. Photo via Visualhunt.comHere, we’ll be describing Hello Talk, one way among many to learn the Chinese language and speak to native Mandarin speakers.This app has more than one million users throughout the world and fits you to one of the thousands of language partners.It’s a bit like the Facebook of foreign language courses: you can send a message to whomever you like and start trading languages!Here is what you need to do (it’s quite simple):Download the app onto your smartphoneCreate a profile (e-mail address, password, name, birthdate, profile photo)Enter the information about your native tongue and land of originMention Chinese as one of the languages you want to learnIndicate your level of proficiencyFind a language partner!It’s ideal for a free Mandarin lesson and for practising your written Chinese.Is your trip to China coming up soon?The Internet is a gold mine for discovering Chinese culture between two lessons, practice your Chinese and take a language immersion course before even setting foot in China!How much do you think Mandarin lessons should cost? Find tutors to learn Chinese with Superprof. No mater where you live, you'll be able to learn Mandarin London to Lincoln, from Plymouth to Portsmouth.